Episode 1 - Green chemistry - Laéla Lephore


Episode 2 - Nordic agriculture - Anthony Pelletier


Episode 3 - Chemistry of natural products - Aya Garfa


Episode 4 - Green chemistry - Laurie Girard


Episode 5 - Aquatic ecosystems - Henrique Amato Peres


Episode 6 - Carbon management - Suyash Khare


Episode 7 - Aquatic ecosystems - Maude Ouellet-Fortin


Episode 8 - Hydrogeomorphology - Janie Vin Deslauriers
Episode 9 - Forest ecology - Sirine Boubeker
Episode 10 - Microbial ecology - Noémie Gaudreault


Episode 11 - Ecophysiology and growth - Rosalie Gagné



Episode 12 - Microbial ecology - Rébecca Gagnon

